Thursday, October 13, 2005

3 strikes, you're out

I think chronologically.  I’ve known people that had no sense of time whatsoever and it drove me insane.  I like deadlines.  I feel lost without them, just sort of floating around on the wind.  That may seem like a surprise to some since I am, in many regards, a “fly by the seat of your pants” kind of girl, but it’s less about structure than it is about sequence.  I think that’s why I like baseball.  I know what’s going to happen.  Three strikes, you’re out.  Three outs, end of an inning.  The teams take turns getting to bat.  There’s much less chaos in baseball than football or basketball.  Some people think baseball is boring.  But it’s not about excitement; it’s about things happening in an orderly, chronological manner.

For example, this summer I went to Ghana.  I sent out my little fundraising letters to help pay for the trip and there was one friend who I knew had written a check, but hadn’t mailed it yet.  So even though I had written her Thank You card, I couldn’t send it yet, because things have to go in order.  She couldn’t receive her Thank You before she sent in her donation.  That would have just been wrong, not to mention completely unacceptable in my mind.

One last example of this endearing quirk of mine.  I love the Lord of the Rings movies.  Don’t ask how many times I’ve seen them.  They are just fantastic.  Anyway, there is a scene in Fellowship of the Ring where Gandalf is fighting the balrog and he falls into the crevice and then Frodo yells, “NOOOOOO!”  At the beginning of The Two Towers, this scene is replayed as a dream that Frodo has.  But in the dream, Frodo yells “no” first, and THEN Gandalf falls.  You have no idea how much that bothers me.  Well, you might, since I’m sitting here writing about it.

Since we’re on the subject of the Lord of the Rings, I might as well go ahead and confess that I’m a dork.  I won’t tell you how much of a dork, but trust me, it’s bad.  I recently played Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit and I kicked butt.  Of course, it was an empty victory since most of the people playing had only seen the movies once.  There were some who hadn’t even seen all three yet.  The real test will be playing against other LOTR dorks.


Katie Moore said...

The first step on the raod to recovery is being able to admit that you're a dork. Congratulations! Now all you need is to buy an I *heart* dorks t-shirt and you'll be all set. :) I'd say that you can get me one too, but I took your "how much of a nerd" quiz am I and my score was way low. What can i say? If you're cool, you're cool. After all, you can't be someone you're not.

Anonymous said...

baseball is not about things happening in an orderly, chronological manner. are you nuts? you never know what is going to happen when that pitch leaves the pitchers hand. it could whizz past the batter as he tries to kill it, it could end up in the right field bleachers, or it could hit the batter in the face resulting in a much anticipated brew ha ha (i dont know how to spell it). in fact, i would venture to say there is not much in this world that is orderly and chronological, except history, and that is already over :) my insights are invaluable. so, if its orderly and chronolgical you are looking for, study the civil war. anything ele is a "toss up".

Jon Wear said...

You wish to face off against anothe uber Lord of the Rings dork? I accept your challenge!