Friday, September 23, 2005

Psychological Substance

You’ve heard me talk about Shad, right? A most interesting fellow. The best friend a person could have and yet he is often quite mysterious and complex.

Shad really likes to explain people, to understand them. Once, he tried to think of an animal that represented each person’s personality. He described one friend as a humpback whale, because it is a gentle, majestic beast. I informed him that, generally, women don’t like to be referred to as whales or beasts of any kind. And yet we all understood that he meant it as a compliment, so we could hardly scold him.

Today, Shad tried to figure out what each person’s psychological substance was. Shad described himself has itchy wool with a static charge. Doug was algae. Tracy was polished leather. Dawn was cotton and Nichole was cotton candy.

What was I? Silk. Things tend to slide off silk and not affect it, yet it should be handled gently and not thrown in the regular wash. Silk can also come across as a bit snobbish, but once you get close, you’re comfortable.

This was one of the few compliments Shad has ever paid me that didn’t offend me. (For instance, he once told me I reminded him of Olive Oil, from Popeye. ‘Cause you know she’s a hottie…) So I decided to find out some of silk's other characteristics. Here’s what I found.
a fabric made from the fine threads produced by certain insect larvae

It is obtained from cocoons of certain species of caterpillars. It is soft and has a brilliant sheen. It is one of the finest textiles. It is also very strong and absorbent.

Luxurious and strong fabric that is cool in summer and warm in winter.

A fine, strong fiber produced by the larva of silk worms and silk moths. Noted for its strength and resiliency and takes color very well.

Not sure how I feel about being produced by insect larvae. But I'll take it. At least I'm not algae.

For Kevin...

I can't think of anything to post. Yet here I am. Are you happy now?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Plant Murder

I like plants. I’m not like a crazy fanatic nursery person, but I like them. I have a few ivies, a Christmas cactus that I’m in love with, a regular cactus, an African violet, etc. Whenever I go to someone’s house that has cool plants, I get jealous. I don’t think the Bible ever says anything directly about coveting someone else’s plants, so I think it’s okay.

Anyway, on Saturday I was suffering from a case of plant envy so I had to go buy some new ones. They are all flowery plants. Very pretty. I came home and planted them in their new pots and talked sweet to them and stuff. I read the directions about how much sunlight they should get. Two of them said ‘partial shade.’ Just so you know, ‘partial shade’ means ‘hardly any direct sunlight at all.’

I put them out on the patio Saturday afternoon and then proceeded to forget about them. (Give me a break, I was in Mesquite all weekend.) On Monday evening I went back out onto the patio and stared in abject horror at the sight of my two beautiful plants. They were shriveled and wilted. It was pretty pathetic actually.

I brought them inside and attempted to nurse them back to health. There was one that was particularly wretched and after I watered it, I decided it was beyond hope and just threw it away. The other I watered and let sit awhile, hoping life would seep back into its leaves. It gradually started to perk up and I realized it possessed a strong will to live.

Later in the evening, I went back to the trashcan to throw something away and saw my poor little plant that I had given up on. It was starting to look a little better, but I felt it was beyond hope. I turned my back on it and shut the pantry door. (sigh)

But that little plant had other ideas. It turns out the plant was only MOSTLY dead. Now, mostly dead is slightly alive. Now, all dead...well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing that you can do. Go through its clothes and look for loose change. Wait, what? Where am I?

Anyway, by this morning, the plant was looking much better, so I dug the poor little guy out of the trash. I felt bad about almost committing plant murder TWICE within a few days, first by scorching it in the sun and then by sheer neglect. I cut off all the dried up leaves and flowers and gave it another good drink of water. Now it looks lovely. A bit scrawnier than when I first bought it, but now it has room to grow.

Sometimes I feel like a pathetic, shriveled, wilted plant. It sucks to feel that way in any sense, but it’s worse when that’s how I feel spiritually. I’m glad that God has never given up on me and left me to wallow in the garbage can. He patiently waits until I discover my own will to live and then he gently cuts away all the nonsense, fills me with His Spirit and nurses me back to health. A bit scrawnier, perhaps, but heartier, too. And with plenty of room to grow.

Weight Watchers

This is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.

I think I've seen a number of these dishes at various family reunions. I solemnly vow to never make anyone I love eat anything on these cards. So help me God.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Another online test

So you've heard of the 5 love languages, right?

They are Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. They are described here.

When I was reading the descriptions of them, I couldn't decide what I thought I was. Then I took this test.

It's funny how some things that used to seem sort of random make much more sense now that I understand my love languages.

Feel free to take the test and let me know. Just curious, not that I need to know everyone's love language. I'll post mine eventually. But not now. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2005


I bought a journal tonight. I’ve known that I needed to journal more, but I just kept putting it off. And some might consider blogging to be journaling, but it’s not the same. Believe it or not, there are some things that I won’t say to just anyone. And even though I write some things that I don’t post, it’s usually because I’m not happy with how it’s worded or how uneffectively I made my point.

So I bought a journal. It’s pretty nice. It’s made of wood. That’s right. Wood. Not a hardback. Actually, now that I think about it, it’s probably not real wood but it sure looks like it. After I bought it I sat in the little cafĂ© area of Borders and made my first entry. Nothing profound or life altering. But give me time. I’ll get there.

Journaling is supposed to be good for you. Like writing about yourself helps you learn and grow. That’s sort of strange. I guess part of the reason it helps is because it actually makes you think about things long enough to figure out the words to express them and then write those words down. Leads to self-realization. It’s funny because I’m very into having an accurate and complete perception of myself, so it’s a wonder I haven’t taken this more seriously in the past.

If I discover anything you may find interesting, I’ll let you know.

Monday, September 05, 2005


Ever taken the Myers Briggs test? I had, but it had been a while and I couldn’t remember what I was. But I took an online version of it tonight. You can take it here.

There are 4 characteristics that are measured:

They are described here.

I’m an ENFP, which is Extrovert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.
Read all about me here and here. I thought it was pretty interesting what it said about me. Fairly accurate, I suppose. I also read what it said about some of the other personality types. I know someone who is INTP and someone else who is ESTJ. I thought they were both right on when I read about them. Amazing stuff. I also thought it was interesting that my best friend was an ESTJ. That’s the exact opposite of me, except for the extrovert part. I guess that’s good though. I think if I knew someone like me, he or she would really get on my nerves.

My favorite things it said:

"Social/Personal Relationships: ENFPs have a great deal of zany charm, which can ingratiate them to the more stodgy types in spite of their unconventionality. They are outgoing, fun, and genuinely like people. As SOs/mates they are warm, affectionate (lots of PDA), and disconcertingly spontaneous. However, attention span in relationships can be short; ENFPs are easily intrigued and distracted by new friends and acquaintances, forgetting about the older ones for long stretches at a time. Less mature ENFPs may need to feel they are the center of attention all the time, to reassure them that everyone thinks they're a wonderful and fascinating person."

"ENFPs have what some call a "silly switch." They can be intellectual, serious, all business for a while, but whenever they get the chance, they flip that switch and become CAPTAIN WILDCHILD, the scourge of the swimming pool, ticklers par excellence. Sometimes they may even appear intoxicated when the "switch" is flipped."

"One study has shown that ENFPs are significantly overrepresented in psychodrama. Most have a natural propensity for role-playing and acting."

"ENFPs like to tell funny stories, especially about their friends."

ENFPs "strive toward a kind of spontaneous personal authenticity, and this intention always to "be themselves" is usually communicated nonverbally to others, who find it quite attractive. All too often, however, [ENFPs] fall short in their efforts to be authentic, and they tend to heap coals of fire on themselves, berating themselves for the slightest self-conscious role-playing."

Anyway, feel free to take the test and then let me know what you are. And if the test ends up indicating that you are weird, you may just have to learn to accept it.