Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baby Names

No, I'm not pregnant. Let me start with that.

I was reading MckMama's blog about baby names today, and then I started reading a bunch of the comments that had been left.

There were several comments that said something like, "I'm from the south, so there are lots of kids in my family with surnames as their first name."

This really makes me laugh! Because the last names in my family would make TERRIBLE first names:


Okay, so Lewis and Ross wouldn't be that bad, but I don't really like them. And can you imagine name your daughter Goza? Or your son Howell? And who would name their kid Wear?

What about you? What sort of family name could you give your kid?

PS I knew a guy once whose middle name was Flake.
PPS My grandma's name was Fairy.


Anonymous said...

My children's names would be Lovelace and Loveless. That second one is rather unfortunate.

Julie said...

I once met a kid named Teddy Bear. Poor kid.

Talia said...

We used family names as middle names for ours, Roller and Keeling respectively. I let hubby choose Roller, I'm not crazy about it but Keeling we both liked so much that it was almost a runner for a first name.