Monday, November 10, 2008


I have two sides to my brain. Don't worry, it's normal. You have that too.

Lately, one side of my brain has been very busy. It has done a lot of sorting and analyzing. Not the math kind, the emotional kind. Figuring out and understanding the present, trying to create a vision of the future. Trying to freaking relax, and understand the source of all the tension and what to do about it. Man, that side of my brain is tired.

But the other side is bored. It has sat idly by, watching half of me freak out about things it doesn't understand and can't control.

So tonight, I'm going to activate the bored side and let the tired side rest. How? Solitaire. Lots and lots of solitaire. In varying forms.

Too bad I can't play Nertz by myself.


Rachel said...

Too bad we can't play Nertz over the internet. Someone should come up with that!

Marc and Laura Rose said...

Seriously, who would ever want to play that ridiculous game that I am ridiculously bad at.