Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Non ancora

Yes, again.

I promise I won't talk about my hair forever, but I just think that has turned into something of a social experiment, an experiment that I'd like to write about.

Some people, when they see my new hair, comment. Sometimes it's a gentle, "Hey, I like your hair." Other times it's more dramatic, like the co-worker who pretended he was about to fall out of his chair.

But other people say absolutely nothing.

I mean, people get haircuts all the time. They don't all warrant praise. But if someone gets an entire foot of hair cut off, I think it's weird not to comment.

I think that's interesting, is all.


Coujones said...

I think part of that has to do with what I think of as "the last one to comment on something that I think happened weeks ago, when really it just happen yesterday"
Or embarrassment.

Some people seem to think that if something has happened to you and they don't see you right after it has happened, then it's old news and they don't want to bring it up in case they look un-hip or something. Plus, what if it's a big deal (but in a bad way) and they make you cry?
No one wants you to cry!

Meredith said...

Yes, I totally see your point. In fact, even before I read your comment, I realized I hadn't been as clear as I thought, and that I had come across even more narcissistic that normal.

I was actually thinking of people I work with, who DO see me every day, like my boss or a coworker who is a good enough friend that we have lunch together sometimes. I was speaking in generalities, but I was thinking very specifically.

Glad we cleared that up. :)

Marc and Laura Rose said...

We like your hair Meredith. Laura keeps on talking about cutting her's off, maybe she will be inspired.

David, Ashley & girls said...

I like your hair. I didn't realize it was a new thing. I did think ...I like her hair short.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the girl i remember from the 5th - 12th grade
Jan Hebert

Meredith said...

Jan Hebert?! Are you Leah's mom? I've been trying to find her! Tell her to sign up for Facebook and find me! :)