Sunday, June 08, 2008

Does anybody come here anymore?

I hardly do. I don't know why, I just found I didn't have much to say. Yeah, I know. Weird, huh?

So, uh... I guess I'll think of something.

First of all, marriage is hard. I mean, it's good, but man, is it freaking hard. Cuz get this: The Husband doesn't always think like me. He doesn't always want what I want. And sometimes he even thinks that I am wrong. WTF?

Also, it's weird the stuff that you become occupied with when you turn into an adult. Like, the thing I really want to write about is how we are saving up money to have closets (from IKEA) installed in our bedroom since we have a scarcely closeted house. And how our tiny backyard is full of weeds and we're planning on rototilling it and doing some environmentally friendly weed killing. And how I just sent off for a coupon for an analog/digital converter for the TV. And I have a board meeting on Tuesday and I bought a suit today so I could look all professional, but I realized when I was trying on the suit that, wow, does my hair look sloppy, so I gotta figure out what to do about that. And we need to have our rubber roof coated. And the stucco on the side of the house resealed. And we finally got our house numbers up on our house, but now we need to install the porch light. And it's really hot on the third floor of our house.

So that's the stuff I may write about for a while. So you tell me, is it worth it?


David, Ashley & girls said...

I am looking forward to reading all the old entires! I, too, worry about those little money things that come up. And they will continue to come up for all of your marriage. I can't beleive David and I have been married for ten years this year! I still have not trained him to think like me. I guess we have met in the middle a bit. It is hard but fun. I am so glad to reconnect. Two sick babies so have to go.

Coujones said...

Reading about a Quick is always worth it! (: