Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dr. Pepper at its best

I grew up drinking Dr. Pepper. Everyone in my family had a different drink. I drank DP. My brother drank Coke. My dad drank Pepsi. My mom drank caffeine free Diet Coke. (When I was young, we called in diet caffeine free Coke but I think caffeine free Diet Coke is better. Not sure why.) The fact that we all drank something different meant that going to the store for ‘coke’ was quite an expensive excursion.

As I got older, I began adding other drinks to the rotation. Coke, Root Beer (YUM!), Pepsi. Sometimes even RC Cola. But lately I’ve been sticking mainly with Coke. For some reason, Dr. Pepper just didn’t sound very appealing to me anymore and I didn’t understand why.

But yesterday, I figured it out. At work, we have a coke machine. Drinks come in a can. I get Coke. At restaurants, they have fountains. I get Coke. Why? Because out of a can or from a soda fountain is not Dr. Pepper at its best.

Dr. Pepper is best out of a 2-liter bottle. It’s weird, I know. It just tastes different. I suppose a 3-liter bottle would work, and MAYBE a 1-liter. But a 20-oz. bottle? No way. It just don’t taste right.

Questions? Comments?


Jon Wear said...

I gave up Cokes today, and this time I mean it.

Anonymous said...

If you hang with salt, you get nuts on you.