Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Olympics

I get hooked on the Olympics. Every time the Olympics come on, all I can do for two weeks is watch. They always show the good stuff during Prime Time from 7-11. But it’s not very good for my productivity level. It even got to where I would check the stats during the work day and then go home and watch, even though I knew what was going to happen.

But this year, I was confused by the Olympics. See, here’s the thing. I know a little Italian. (And when I say a little, I mean VERY LITTLE.) Roma is the Italian name for Rome. Napoli is the Italian name for Naples. And Torino is the Italian name for Turin (as in the Shroud of Turin.) I’m just confused as to why they used the name Torino instead of Turin. I mean, in 2004, the Olympics were in Athens, Greece. I’m sure Athens isn’t the Greek name for Athens. It doesn’t make sense to me.

But then I found this on the Shroud of Turin website. HAHA!!

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