Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I'm in a better mood today. I guess it's because I didn't get rained on today. There's just something about the 'drowned rat" look that bothers me.

Anyway, it has been brought to my attention that my previous post might have been "a bit harsh on the males." Perhaps this will make amends...

You might eventually get tired of me quoting or talking about Carolyn McCulley, but she really does have some wonderful things to say. Anyway, her blog entry today talks less of how single women should feel about their own lives as it does about how we, as women, can better help men be men. And indirectly, how we can enable men to treat us the way we want to be treated.

So guys, evaluate the following statement:
"If men had to choose, they would rather choose to feel unloved than disrespected."

What truth is there in this statement? How well do you think women do in general when it comes to respecting men? How well do you think Christian women do? Some may have the attitude that respect has to be earned. Do you agree? What do you feel about the idea that if a woman chooses to respect a man, he will want to be worthy of it? I guess my question has a lot with which should happen first. Should men be respectable and then women will respect them? Or should women respect men and then men will attempt to be more worthy of such respect? Or is it a combination of the two?

Comments are welcome, from both guys and girls. Here's your chance to speak your mind!!!


Meredith said...

I know! For real! That's just too cool that she left a comment on my humble little blog.

Oh, and thanks for the feedback David. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

This is Christy.
This is my first comment.
That's all.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about this because of a book I recently read called "For Women Only". For me the two are equivalent. One of my friends recently told me I think more like a man on this issue. If you are disrepsectful you also are unloving. While this isn't necessarily true, my mind does not distinguish.

As for which should come first, I think as Christian women we are called to respect men, especially our brothers in Christ and definitely our husbands, whether or not we think that they are respectable. Just as the body is called to love each other, with no room for discussion, so we should also respect one another, for we are all in Christ and if nothing else that deserves our respect. If we were operating on the basis of what is deserved, then none of us would be where we are today, because none of us deserved Christ.

So I am shutting up now.

Meredith said...

Actually, there is a specific reason for the switch to Meredith, but I'm not going to share what it is right now. That sounds sort of cryptic, I know, but that's all you get for now.

Anonymous said...

hey david, why did you emphasize the vowel "e" when that particular vowel is silent. hmmmm. not many people would emphasize that last "e". for example, if you were drivng your car and i was in the passenger seat happily whistling when suddenly a bunny hopped hopped hopped into the street and i blurted out "David, please apply your brakeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." i dont think that would sound right? do you? just wondering. oh, by the way jan, that is cool that she commented on your blog, but how sure are we that the person saying she is carolyn mcculley really is carolyn mcculley. just a thougggggggggggggggggggggght (hey david, did you like the emphatic use of a silent letter, and a consonant nonetheless).

Katie Moore said...

Oh my gosh. If Kristen Billerbeck left a message on my blog, I would just DIE! You are too cool, Jan Meredith Wear!

Katie Moore said...

P.S. I just read Ben's message. Very funny--he needs a blog.

Anonymous said...

My first comment, posted long after the fact.

Which comes first depends on your gender. Men should never wait for respect before becoming respectable. Neither should a woman disrespect a man while she awaits his resepectibility. Our callings as godly men and women are not dependant upon outside circumstances to justify them. After all, Christ died for my sins before I could even commit one.

You are a good detective, Meredith, so I am sure you will find this comment before long.