Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Sorry, guys but I just can't think of anything meaningful to write. My head is full of nonsense. I feel bad, though, because I see my counter stats everyday and I know that people are visiting the site, but I just can't think of anything worth posting. I mean, I write lots of stuff that I intend to post, but I'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to my writing and if I don't feel like I made my point very well, I don't post it. It just sits there in the My Documents folder waiting for me to sort it out and finish it. But I don't. I think it mocks me, like it has in some way defeated me or something. But it's just a ploy.

So let me ask you to write about something. Do you struggle with pride? How does it manifest itself in your life? Do you actively attempt to temper it? How? Does it work? If you had to rate yourself from 1 to 10 on the pride scale, with 10 being VERY prideful, where would you fall? Who do you compare yourself to when making this judgment? Where do you fall on the humility scale?

1 comment:

Meredith said...

You are a punk.