I will share them with you:
If you sprinkle
When you tinkle
Please be neat
And wipe the seat
If when you poo, you happen to stink
Please remember the fumes aren’t pink
So for everyone else who uses this room this day
Please use the provided spray.
When you tinkle
Please be neat
And wipe the seat
If when you poo, you happen to stink
Please remember the fumes aren’t pink
So for everyone else who uses this room this day
Please use the provided spray.
Can I tell you how much this annoys me? (You might as well say yes.)
I was hoping someone would ask me who took the poetry off the walls (and threw it in the trash where it belonged.) I would proudly tell them I did and I would tell them why: because bathroom poetry is unprofessional and passive-aggressive and it annoys me and I hate it.
And then I imagine they would tell me I was being passive-aggressive and I would say, “No. Passive-aggressive is when you say one thing with your words and the OPPOSITE with your tone. I think my words and my tone are saying the same thing: You are dumb*.”
On Wikipedia, it lists the following as a passive-aggressive behavior**:
Does not express hostility or anger openly (e.g., expresses it instead by leaving notes)
*No, I wouldn't actually tell them they were dumb. But this is MY blog, and if I want to exaggerate a bit, I think I can.
**Yes, I know Wikipedia is not an actual, citable source, and NO, I did not add the above wording to the Passive-Aggressive Behavior page myself.
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