At my apartment complex, we have a pond that is home to numerous birds. First off, we have swans. Swans are mean. They hiss at my dog. And so my dog is scared of them, but he hides it well. We also have these ugly turkey-looking ducks. They make cute lil’ babies, but they, too, grow up to be ugly turkey-looking ducks.

But then we have NORMAL ducks.

Dey was so coot!!! I dust want to pick dem up and queeeeeze dem!!!! But I fink Dywan might twy to eat dem.
NOTE: To understand the above, you must say it in the “talk to the dog/baby/cute-little-anything” voice.
Since I have a digital camera now, I will try to take pictures of the coot widdow baby duckies for your viewing pleasure.
Uh...I think if you try to pick them up and squeeze're not going to think they're so cute anymore. I had a rollerblading summer (don't mock, it was the mid-90s) and I used to rollerblade around a lake filled with geese and swans. On more than one occassion was I chased...on these large, sqwaking, mean animals. Don't be fooled, they'll get cha.
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