Monday, September 05, 2005


Ever taken the Myers Briggs test? I had, but it had been a while and I couldn’t remember what I was. But I took an online version of it tonight. You can take it here.

There are 4 characteristics that are measured:

They are described here.

I’m an ENFP, which is Extrovert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.
Read all about me here and here. I thought it was pretty interesting what it said about me. Fairly accurate, I suppose. I also read what it said about some of the other personality types. I know someone who is INTP and someone else who is ESTJ. I thought they were both right on when I read about them. Amazing stuff. I also thought it was interesting that my best friend was an ESTJ. That’s the exact opposite of me, except for the extrovert part. I guess that’s good though. I think if I knew someone like me, he or she would really get on my nerves.

My favorite things it said:

"Social/Personal Relationships: ENFPs have a great deal of zany charm, which can ingratiate them to the more stodgy types in spite of their unconventionality. They are outgoing, fun, and genuinely like people. As SOs/mates they are warm, affectionate (lots of PDA), and disconcertingly spontaneous. However, attention span in relationships can be short; ENFPs are easily intrigued and distracted by new friends and acquaintances, forgetting about the older ones for long stretches at a time. Less mature ENFPs may need to feel they are the center of attention all the time, to reassure them that everyone thinks they're a wonderful and fascinating person."

"ENFPs have what some call a "silly switch." They can be intellectual, serious, all business for a while, but whenever they get the chance, they flip that switch and become CAPTAIN WILDCHILD, the scourge of the swimming pool, ticklers par excellence. Sometimes they may even appear intoxicated when the "switch" is flipped."

"One study has shown that ENFPs are significantly overrepresented in psychodrama. Most have a natural propensity for role-playing and acting."

"ENFPs like to tell funny stories, especially about their friends."

ENFPs "strive toward a kind of spontaneous personal authenticity, and this intention always to "be themselves" is usually communicated nonverbally to others, who find it quite attractive. All too often, however, [ENFPs] fall short in their efforts to be authentic, and they tend to heap coals of fire on themselves, berating themselves for the slightest self-conscious role-playing."

Anyway, feel free to take the test and then let me know what you are. And if the test ends up indicating that you are weird, you may just have to learn to accept it.


journeylogger said...

Hey! I once was an ENFP too! But now I think I'm more of an ENTP (even though I hate putting myself into boxes).

But anyhow, I have to share something interesting: I was obsessed with the Myers-Briggs (MBTI)
in '99, so much so that I couldn't even study the Bible without thinking of it. This one day I decided to analyze all the major New Testament characters with the MBTI and then said, "Hey! I should try Jesus!" So I analyzed his personality as best as I could based off different incidents and reactions in the gospels, and found out to my shock that he seemed to be a perfect balance of E/I, N/T, F/T and P/J! WOW! But the more I thought about it, the less I was surprised: He is, after all, the Son of God, and perfect. So of course he'd be a perfect balance! And there could be at least two applications of this for us: 1) The more we are made into his likeness, the more balanced we will be. Or, 2) One could say that all of us, together, with all our personality types, together reflect God's image.

Anyhow, this was an epiphany for me so I thought I'd share it!

D said...
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D said...

So, I was all ready to go to work this morning when I thought, gee, maybe I should check to see if anybody updated their blong and lo and behold....Jan puts up a qiuz. One of the questions should have been, do you have to fill out a questionaire everytime you see one? Because I do. Anyway, apparently I'm an INFJ.

Katie Moore said...

I'm an ENFP, too, which explains why you are my blogging mentor. And BTW--I'm doing my entire doctoral dissertation on the MBTI. I'm in love with it!