My first entry will likely not be what you expect. I don’t plan on explaining the name of my blog yet, and though I just got back from a 10-day journey to Ghana, my first entry will actually be about the ride home. In this case, it’s best to begin at the end.
But I will take a minute to explain how I got to the end. I spent a full day traveling to Ghana, spent 8 days in Ghana and was now half way through a full day’s travel back to the US. I was tired. I hadn’t showered in 36 hours. The local food had done a number on my stomach and it wouldn’t stop rumbling.
The first half of the journey from Accra to Frankfurt was fairly uneventful, but mostly because no one tried to talk to me. I didn’t feel well and I was very sleepy, so I was a little on the grumpy side. And when I say a little, I mean a lot. I get cranky when I’m tired. For real. We’re talking Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But because people pretty much left me alone, the first flight passed without the shedding of innocent blood.
On the flight from Frankfurt to Dallas, I was originally supposed to sit next to my friend Susan on the plane, but her husband asked if I would trade seats so he could actually sit by his wife. So we traded. We all got on the plane and I was in seat 45A. People kept getting on the plane and finding their seats, but the seat next to me remained empty. The plane was scheduled to take off at 9:55. 9:55 came and went. And we sat there. And the seat was empty. I thought to myself, “God is so faithful. He knows what I need. What a blessing it is to have the seat next to me empty. I’ll actually be able to sleep on the way home. Hallelujah.” And then a young Hindu woman and her 11-month-old baby got on the plane. She walked all the way back to row 45. And she sat next to me. Those of you who know me won’t be surprised to learn that “Hallelujah” quickly turned to “Oh, crap.” Sigh. So much for sleep on the way home.
I was surprised to find that my attitude remained fairly upbeat. I knew she wasn’t looking forward to the flight any more than the rest of us. And seeing that she was Hindu, I was determined to be a good ambassador. I was a representative of Lake Pointe Church, Texas, the US, and Christ. I would be nice. Not just act nice, but actually be nice. That’s how I felt towards the woman and her child, anyway. I would have to have a talk with God later. I was less than pleased with Him.
The boy’s name was Abino. I was in the window seat and since he wanted to look out the window, he quickly ended up in my lap. I didn’t mind. He was cute. And it was better to hold a laughing baby than to sit next to a crying one. Then he went back to his mom. Then he came back to me. Then mom. Then me. Mom needed to use the restroom so she asked if I’d hold him while she went. No problem. I took the opportunity to sing to him. I quickly ran out of children’s songs that I could remember, so then I switched to Christian songs. And where else to begin but Amazing Grace?
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,Was blind, but now, I see.
Yeah, yeah, heard it all before. I knew that even thought I felt, smelled and looked like one, I was in fact no longer a wretch. Praise God.
Then came the second verse.
Through many dangers, toils and snares...I have already come.
T'was Grace that brought me safe thus far...and Grace will lead me home.
Wham. I stopped singing as my voice cracked and tears came to my eyes. Of course! Grace is the reason I survive anything. It’s the reason I survive a day at work. It’s the reason I survive family reunions. It’s the reason I survived my first trip to Ghana, with all the new and interesting things that Ghana has to offer.
So I knew I would survive the ride home. Not because God would take it easy on me by giving me two seats all to myself. Not because I would manage to muster enough self control all on my own not to hurt those around me. But because God is faithful. He would see me home.
Then my attitude changed. I wasn’t supposed to be nice to this woman because I was a representative of Lake Pointe or the US. I was called to give her grace because grace had been given to me. When I became a Christian, I voluntarily made myself a slave to Christ. You can’t choose to make yourself a slave to anyone and then bemoan any of the tasks you are given.
Yes, the flight was miserable. Yes, my tummy rumbled the whole way. Yes, I rushed to the bathroom once thinking I might be sick. No, I didn’t sleep much, and yes, it was fitful when I did. But I survived.
T'was Grace that brought me safe thus far...and Grace will lead me home.
And it did.
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Very interesting. So what's the deal with the wiggly rice?
So this is the beginning of it all. It is a little raw, but I am not here to criticize your blog. Amazing Grace is definately a favorite of mine, especially when it is driven by a southern gospel swing peppered with blue notes.
Oh, yeah.
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